Can an eLearner discontinue the online training and continue with the normal OWD course?
Yes. Because we can track your learning progress online, we can easily determine which sections you have already completed and where to integrate you into a regular course.
Can more than one person share the online access to the PADI eLearning?
No. Each single student has to fulfill the skill requirements individually. Therefore, each student needs to register separately.
Does an eLearner need a fast internet connection to complete the online course?
No. However, with all online services (if you choose the online version), a fast connection is recommended: because there are videos to watch; with a slow connection the uploading times are longer.
Can an eLearner “cheat” with his “Quizzes & Exams”?
In theory, you can have the “Quizzes & Exams” answered by another person. But due to the fact that you need to complete a “Quick Review” at the Dive Center upon completion of the theory, it is easy for us to test your knowledge development.
Can a PADI eLearner switch to another Dive Center/ Resort during his online course?
Yes. If for any reason you want to, you can choose another service provider during the ongoing course.
Can an eLearner read the medical history statement before completing its registration to be sure that he/she can enroll in the course?
Yes, you can read it here: You are NOT required to complete a medical history questionnaire during sign up (you will be required to do this later at the dive center), but you are advised that diving involves physical activity and that the medical history statement should be taken to your doctor if questions arise. The medical history statement is a PDF file for download and NOT an online form. The information is provided in the Terms and Conditions which you have to read carefully PRIOR to paying for the course.