Stavros Cape
In a distance of 2.8 miles west of the Agia Pelagia diving centre, we meet Cape Stavros. Our boat anchors on the cape’s east side, which is always protected from the wind.
Certified Divers | Level 1 | Level 2 or above |
Suitable for: | x | ✓ |
Depth: | x | 40m |
The drop off dive in the “Big Blue” of this cape is really exciting. The magic of the depth and the crystal clear water fascinate you from the very beginning.
The dive starts from the anchor line down to a depth of 30 m. Schools of small fish are living around big rocks that we pass on this course.
The depth increases up to 75 meters very fast, however rest assured that we always guide within a maximum depth of 40 meters.
In calm weather, the boat can follow the diver’s course, giving the possibility to dive a longer distance and see more of the wonderful underwater world at the Stavros Cape.
Stavros Cape is the living place of groupers, snappers, morays and bluefin trevally. The big attractions for divers here are the depth, the “big blue” water and the incredible visibility, which is often more than 35 meters. Naturally, this dive can only be offered to experienced divers.
Please find more information about our programs for certified divers and make a reservation here.
* our diving locations: El Greco Cave – El Greco Reef – Stavros Cape – Dia’s Rock – Neptune’s Rock – Mononaftis – Lygaria – Big Anchor – Blue Cave – Daedalos – Shipwrecks – Messerschmitt Wreck – Dia Island